Chris Isaak Beneath the Stars at Wente

Believe it or not my very first concert was The Monkees and Weird Al Yankovic. I know, kind of weird, except I’ll put good money on the fact that at least a few of you will read this and say “Me too!” Because it was a pretty popular tour that year. I was in the third grade and a pretty avid Monkees fan (thanks Nick ay Night) so when they came around my parents took us. This would be the beginning of a very passionate and life-long love for live music. Continue reading “Chris Isaak Beneath the Stars at Wente”

Tuesday Tunes – I Remember You

I Remember You, I like to think, is a pretty sacred song for most rocker chicks. At least it was at the time when it came out. And like many rocker chicks my age I have many special memories of I Remember You playing over the course of my teen years. Unfortunately most of them were replaced by one single memory from 1998 that tends to override the others.

Picture it, Modesto 1998. I was working the late shift at Rock 95. The other DJs in the building, Kat Country and The Hawk, were zoning out in their own studios. It was the middle of the night after all. Continue reading “Tuesday Tunes – I Remember You”

Tuesday Tune – Leather & Lace

Now don’t get me wrong; Allen was interested in the details of planning our wedding, they just weren’t as important to him as they were to me. This is the case with most grooms I think, and was never an issue with me. He was always willing to give me an opinion when asked and always helped in making the major decisions.

One decision was something I had put at the bottom of my to-do list, we needed to get a song list together for the DJ. All the other songs (parents dance, father/daughter, wedding party dance, etc) I had chosen when I was around 10 years old, so they were covered. What we were stuck on was our first dance. Continue reading “Tuesday Tune – Leather & Lace”

Rock Candy Baby

Gary Hoey by Shelli Sherwood Photography

Once upon a time I was a teenager. I know, seems odd, but it’s true. I was a teenager who loved Rock n Roll. I mean all kinds of Rock n Roll and Heavy Metal. I was a rocker chick. And I loved music with everything that was in me.

We went to concerts and listened to the radio pretty much all the time. Music was always such an integral part of my pre-teen and teenage years. I could sit on my bed staring out my window listening to music for hours.  It was like breathing to me. Continue reading “Rock Candy Baby”

Tuesday Tunes – My City of Ruins

I had woken up early. It was one of those mornings that just did not feel quite right. I remember distinctly thinking that as I got out of bed. I turned on the coffee and jumped in the shower. I tried to shake off that weird feeling, thinking to myself “it’s just another Tuesday.” I was wrong.After my shower I poured a cup of coffee, lit a cigarette, and turned on the TV.

I watched in utter shock, as did the rest of the country, the events of that day. September 11th. I guess everyone has different pictures in their mind of what affected them the most about those days following 9/11. I think I was on the verge of being sick almost every day for a week. Read more


Most of you on Facebook may have noticed the retro thing going on with people’s profile pictures. Well considering how many dozens photo albums and picture boxes I have stocked full of millions of pictures, I thought it would be fun to pull out some old pictures, scan them and then tag all my old school friends. But instead I ended up spending an entire evening pouring through every single photo album and photo box I own.

I have pictures that of course begin with me as a baby, my childhood, teen years and into the years my husband and I were dating, our wedding and of course there were tons of both pregnancies and the kids all the way through now. My mind is kind of racing full of all the memories. It’s so weird to look back and see how much I’ve grown and changed. And even weirder to see how much the kids have grown and changed. I swear it was just yesterday that they were born. Then again I would’ve sworn that it was only yesterday that I got married or graduated high school…

There were so many pictures that just took me back. Friends and family that have long since passed away, friends that are still in my life today. So many people and so many memories.

Nothing puts your life into a sharper focus then looking back over your life in pictures. It reminds you of where you come from and who you are. It also reminded me of just how fast my babies are growing and that I should take time to slow down and smell the roses with them more often.

My dad took this picture when I was in elementary school. He told me to picture the woman I’d be when I was 30 and to say hi to that woman. And now here I am, 32, looking at that same picture, saying hi back to that girl I once was.

I never did scan any pictures and upload them to Facebook. Maybe tomorrow…

Little Miss "Columnist"

Happy weekend kids! So it was kind of a quiet week. I had only one kid here all day everyday for the whole week. The rest were hit and miss, only here for a couple of hours, if at all. A very nice break. That’s the thing about doing small family daycare. The odds are at some point during the year you’ll end up with a quiet day…

Other news this week, I officially have my General Hospital blog up and running. I was a little surprised at how much traffic generated from day one. Not huge or anything, but I got twenty hits the first day! People love their General Hospital I guess! I was inspired to start it after applying for a guide position at running their GH website. I didn’t get it, and was a bit disappointed (obviously the GH site is a decent money maker with the amount of traffic it generates). So I figured why not just make my own GH site, and see what I can do with it. The next time an opportunity comes up for a soap related site, I’ll be all set. Besides, I think some small part of me hopes that the writers over at GH will see my complaints and suddenly start writing better material…. It could happen…

Speaking of writing, it looks like I may be getting to interview The Coreys!!! (shriek! giggle! swoon!) That’s right, little ol me just might be interviewing both the Feldmaster and The Haimster for reality shack for the second season premier of A&E’s The Two Coreys. I should be getting a screener of the show and then if all works out get to interview both Coreys, of course the will not do interviews together, so it’ll be two separate interviews…. What do I ask? These are guys who I thought the sun rose & set with as a kid. I even saw Feldman live & in concert at Stoneridge Mall!!! Heck, my son is watching Goonies right now! I hope it works out! Keep your fingers crossed! In the mean time, hit up Reality Shack to catch up on the first season of The two Coreys and to get your hilarious fill of all things reality show related!
I wrote about my experience seeing Corey Feldman in concert over on JamsBio…

Well I’m officially a columnist for JamsBio’s Biolog! I got an email yesterday. It’s a paid thing (W-9 and everything!). I’m not about to quit the day job or anything, but it’s something!! I can actually say “I’m a columnist”. So I’m no Carrie Bradshaw or anything, but it’s a nifty start… I’m also getting paid a little extra to help load up their new game they added to the site too. It’s terribly addictive I recommend trying it immediately…
JamsBio Games
The Biolog

I am an Entertainment Weekly junkie, and through it have found a new BFF (Ok, so we’ll never actually meet or anything, but in my mind she’s my new BFF) Diablo Cody! She is hilarious, and when it comes to taste in pop culture I think we share the same brain… In her column, “Binge Thinking” in this weeks issue she talked about the return of 90210! Specifically the coup that is the CW getting both Tori Spelling & Jennie Garth to reprise their legendary Beverly Hills roles for the spin off coming to the CW this fall. Every 30-ish gal our age knows that this is huge news. My pop culture world would only be complete if they somehow made it known to the 90210 masses that Dylan has left Kelly & returned to be with Brenda in Paris. In your face Kelly Taylor!
Binge Thinking w/Diablo Cody

Swallowing Golfballs & PMS

ICK! I’m sick! We’re all sick actually, except Cheyanne. Patrick has a monster cough, that kept us up ALL night, I’ve got swollen glands in my throat that feel like golfballs (why did I get my tonsils out when I was 20?), and Allen stayed home from work today with a fever. So I’m sick, I’m tired from no sleep, and of course PMS like a bitch outta hell. What a day, and it had to be the first day back from a long weekend too…

I started a new blog on wordpress (look at my links). Over the weekend I found a whole collection of poetry and stuff that I’d written in junior high and high school. I was pretty pleased with my teenage angsty self, and decided I’d start a little blog to publish it. I only wish I’d dated them, or at least put the names of who I was writing about… It’s funny how someone ruled my world enough for to write a poem about them, only twenty years later not have a clue about who which poem is about. Teenagers…

I finished Snuff! What a book. Man only Chuck P. could turn a group of characters as screwed up as these folks, and make you love them. I’m always a little about books that are about porn, but Chuck has never let me down before. I had the book finished in just about 2 days. Nice, but out there, surprise ending, as always. I say if you;re looking for a good read about sex, porn, gang bangs, and Snuff films, this one is for you. OK, that sounds bad, but trust me it’s so bad, it’s good… I give it an A!

What a crappy day. I could only think of one JamsBio story to link up to this post, that seems to fit my very crappy day.

Doing Daycare

That’s it I’m going to bed now.